
Phytolacca Berry Tablets Dr Willmar Schwabe’s

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*Do not self-medicate. Please consult your physician.

Phytolacca berry tablets are a great remedy for weight loss. This homeopathic medicine for weight loss comes without any side effects. It is composed of imported fresh berries of Phytolacca. With prolonged consumption, this weight loss medicine catalyses the process of weight loss.

Presentation:  Bottle of 20g

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For Effective Weight Management

  • Made from the authentic source i.e. fresh berries of Phytolacca which are imported from North America
  • It lowers the intake of food by favourably influencing digestion and absorption
  • At the same time reduces hyperacidity and feeling of weakness associated with lowered food intake
  • Good results of weight loss have been achieved in ladies with post-delivery weight gains

Any increase in body weight of more than 20% of normal value due to excessive accumulation of fat is termed obesity. It occurs due to an imbalance of food intake and energy spent (calories = energy). It is a risk factor for many serious diseases like cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, gout, arteriosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, gallstones, respiratory diseases, osteoarthritis and some forms of chronic metabolic disorders. At the same time, persons in conditions like pregnancy, psychological disorders or mobility restrictions tend to gain weight. Disorders of fat metabolism and increase in weight as side effects have been reported for use of certain drugs like steroids, anabolic hormones and oral contraceptives.

The rate of weight gain is proportional to the extent of dietary excess over the requirement. Once obesity is established it is maintained even by small food intake. Energy equivalents of fat tissues are so great that they cannot be eliminated by exercise alone. Again obesity is proportional to a decrease in life expectancy.

The degree of obesity or measurement of the quantity of extra fat in the body is done by indirect estimation. The measurement of body weight with respect to height is normally the guideline for clinicians. Attached to this leaflet is a table, giving the height (in meters and feet inches) versus the acceptable range of weight (in kgs). The table also has a limit which indicates obesity, gross obesity (higher degree of obesity) and under-weight (lower acceptable limit of weight for thin persons).

There are two ways to reduce weight :

  1. Drastic measures using drugs suppressing appetite, diet restrictions, and use of diuretics and purgatives. This regime is accompanied by very heavy exercise for burning fat. In most cases, an appreciable reduction of weight and obesity is achieved in 15 days. After some time considerable reduction in obesity can be achieved. Unfortunately, once this program is discontinued the person regains weight very fast. The drugs used can have side effects and more and more awareness is being created by scientific agencies advising not to use drugs for weight reduction. No benefit is obtained by hot baths, purgatives, diuretics etc.
  2. With the combined use of herbs, moderate exercise accompanied by some restriction on fat intake as well as dietetic habits, the obese can achieve ideal weight and maintain the same for a long period of time. Phytolacca Berries are known to regulate the hunger pattern and aid proper digestion and ingestion.

The consumption of fat is by far the most important contributor to the adiposity of all dietary components. It provides 9 kcal per gram compared with around 4 for carbohydrates and proteins. In Indian cooking, many times an excessive amount of fats are used. Restriction of fat intake is the most essential factor in a weight-reducing diet.

The diet should contain plenty of green vegetables and fruits, since they contain few calories, while their bulk helps to fill the stomach and provide satiety. They also help to minimize constipation common with a low food intake. Vitamin and mineral contents are also maintained.

Alcoholic drinks are also a source of calories without essential nutrients and tend to stimulate appetite. Sweets and snacks which are taken in between the meals are potential sources of higher calories. As far as possible, these should be avoided or limited.

It has been observed that eating habits are also related to the tendency to gain weight. A person eating fast consumes higher quantities of food material and may gain weight faster than a person eating slowly. However, if hunger patterns and fat metabolism are controlled along with a low-calorie diet and regular exercise good results of weight reduction are obtained.

Increased exercise is the other, positive part of the management of obesity. An hour’s walk at 3 miles per hour will expend about 240 kcal above basal (or more for a heavy person). This may seem a small amount, equivalent to about 30g of body fat, but if the daily walk becomes a habit it will add up, other things being equal, to a weight loss of 10 kg in a year. A regular exercise schedule can burn fat in the following pattern :

  • Walking and playing golf consumes 5 kcal/min
  • Cycling, swimming, playing tennis or similar games consumes 7 kcal/min
  • Playing squash, jogging, hill climbing and heavy work consume 10 kcal/min

A weekly weight loss of 0.5 to 1 kg should be a general aim. An obese middle-aged housewife will usually lose weight satisfactorily on a diet providing 800 to 1000 kcal per day and a satisfactory weight loss can be expected from a diet containing about 1500 kcal per day for a male office worker. Dr Willmar Schwabe’s Phytolacca Berry Tablets taken in maintenance dose can help prevent obesity and its subsequent complications.

Dr Willmar Schwabe’s Phytolacca Berry Tablets* are made from fresh berries which are native to North America by a process preserving nature’s goodness in the final product for optimum efficacy. It contains ingredients which have an appetite-regulating action. If taken for prolonged periods with the above suggestions, it helps to reduce and maintain body weight.

Indications: Regulation of fat metabolism, reduction of obesity and maintenance of weight without weakness.


Each tablet of 250 mg contains:

  • Phytolacca berry Ø 20% Equiv. to 50 mg
  • Excipients Q.S. to make 250 mg

The way it acts

Phytolacca Berry: It contains caryophyllene, phytolaccin, phytolacanin, (betanine which hydrolyses to betanidine and iso-betanidine), isobetanine, prebetanine, and salts of phytolaccic acids. They are known for their phytotherapeutic properties.

These have a favourable influence on digestion, and absorption, thus lowering intake of food, mental levels of stupor and weariness. Hyperacidity and feelings of weakness are lowered. Homoeopathic physicians have been obtaining good results of weight loss without affecting the general health of the ladies who tend to maintain obesity after childbirth. On the whole, sliminess is affected.

Dosage: Unless otherwise prescribed by the physician, 1 to 2 tablets, 3 times per day over an extended period of time. 1 tablet daily before meals as a maintenance dose. Children should be given half of the adult dose. It is advised that children should use it under medical supervision. If complaints are not relieved, consult a specialist.

Side effects: No side effects of Phytolacca Berry Tablets* are known. During pregnancy and lactation, the use should be limited to appropriate requirements after consultation with the specialist. In cases of lactose intolerance, a laxative effect can be observed.

Contra-indication: No contra-indications for the use of Phytolacca Berry Tablets are known.

Interactions: No interactions between Phytolacca Berry Tablets and other products are known. It can be taken along with other medicines unless otherwise directed by the physicians.

Presentation: Bottle of 20 gm.


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